SoN tIEmpoS DiFÍciLes ParA LoS SoÑadOreS...
En Los SuEñOS Las EmoCIoNES sON aBrumAdoras

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Spring and by Summer Fall

Es mi canción favorita de Blonde Redhead... Y últimamente la he escuchado mucho... debido al estado de confusión imperosa en mi mente... esa frase "Tell me where you've seen my life I look in your eyes and i can only see my own complexion"... Huuuu... y ahora es tiempo de olvidar esa confusión... Llega la sensatez...y lo que haya sentido se despide al ritmo de esta hermosa canción...para tu!

Tell me where you've seen my life
I look in your eyes and i can only see my own complexion
Tell me where you've been my life
I've been watching you spring by summer fall when some one called
Tell me where you've seen my life
You've been biting my hands and knocking me down down to the ground
Tell me where you've been my life
I see only what you see, face who you face, be who you want to be
Clashing lies and clashing thighs
Clashing chasing changing minds
Tell me what you've seen tell me where you've gone
Tell me where you've been tell me what you saw
Clashing lies and clashing thighs
Clashing chasing changing minds
Tell me what you've seen tell me where you've gone
Tell me where you've been tell me what you saw

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